How to do sx in Amazon position? Try these 4 variations too!


How to do sex in Amazon position? Try these 4 variations too!


As he brings his knees closer to his chest, she screams with sheer joy and fulfils her amorous needs.

Steps to perform:

Step 1: He lies on the bed or any other flat surface on his back.

Step 2: She now rides him and at the same time he bends his knees and brings them closer to his chest.

Step 3: The action begins now as she accelerates her amorous advances wildly.

It’s not that usual, but when she is ready for it, magic happens. Yes, it’s amazon position wherein she is on top and you watch her screaming like anything. One of the best sex positions you should definitely try to spice things up!

So, imagine, if we come up with some more tangy variations of it, how’d you feel?

Already in heaven? Be there.

1. Love Pump

Love Pump

Faces are in the opposite direction, but the fire, within you and her, melts everything away. She is standing and keeps moving herself a little up and down. You hold on tight, she will make you fly higher.

She will hold the legs of her partner like levers of a sex machine! Watching her back and the moaning sound will keep the erection harder.

Steps to perform:

Step 1: The man sits on a chair and lifts both his legs, which are wide open.

Step 2: The woman sits on his penis.

Step 3: She holds his legs for support while he holds the chair edges to generate pace.

2. Reverse Jockey

Reverse Jockey

It’s not that usual move you have been doing for long. But it is something you should try. She comes over you and sets her juicy coochie on your erected dick and rest is history.

When she rides him, he really enjoys every bit of pleasure and she can feel the sensation moment by moment.

Steps to perform:

Step 1: He lies down and tangles his legs around her waist.

Step 2: Now she comes and rides him.

Step 3: The more erotically she moves more pleasure both the partners derive out of this act.

3. Surprise Party

Surprise Party

They say, when it’s tough, pleasure gets doubled. They say it right. It is a little tough, but yes, you can surprise her with its orgasmic pleasure. You lie down rasing your folded legs and she sits on your hard rock dick facing opposite to you.

This pose is quite exciting in a way that both the partners can’t see each other what naughty-nookie move they are planning to perform.

Steps to perform:

Step 1: Man lies on the bed lifting his legs up and bending his knees a little.

Step 2: Woman kneels and gets into the position facing opposite to him.

Step 3: He now grabs his lower back from behind and she starts moving up and down.

4. Rev-it-Up Rub

The Rev-it-Up Rub

Doing it on the edge makes it spicier in this special amazon variant. Wanna know more about it? Just lie on the bed keeping your lower body on the edge of the bed and raise your legs up. She comes keeping her face opposite to you and starts moving up and down.

This pose involves both, the rear entry and woman on top as she controls the moves and very well knows what the self-service is exactly.

Steps to perform:

Step 1: Man lies on the bed lifting his legs in the air and places himself towards the edge of the bed.

Step 2: She comes closer and sits on his groin.

Step 3: Now this rear entry and woman on top combo sets the bed on fire.

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